Woman Holding Up One Hand

How to Hide Your Following List on Tiktok

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Do you wish to hide your TikTok following list from other users? You can hide followers on TikTok so that only you can see the people you are following. The community sees your TikTok profile as a way to show off your interests and likes, from the content you enjoy to the videos you create.

Whether you enjoy comedy routines, vlogging, or spotlights on your favorite TikTok users, you’ll need to take on the safety sections. It’s that simple to hide your following list that there isn’t much need for an in-depth tutorial. If you want to hide your following on TikTok for whatever reason, follow the instructions above to ensure that they are hidden.

This is a fantastic approach to keep yourself safe from potential bots, stalkers, or people who just want to keep an eye on you. The app does not give much control over the situation because you have only one option for feeling safe while using it: hide your following list.