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How to Link Your Discord to TikTok

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As you start to grow on TikTok you might want to create a Discord server, just so you can also communicate with your viewers. You will have to make sure that they can also find the server, so the best way is to have it be part of your TikTok bio. So below you can read about how you can add your Discord link to your TikTok bio and what kind of benefits there are to doing this.

So if you want to connect more with your followers from TikTok, then linking your Discord in your TikTok bio might be the best way to go about this. As it will drive traffic from TikTok to your Discord and makes it much easier to chat with your followers and get their opinions on your videos.

Luckily it’s pretty easy to set up a clickable link in your bio, as long as you make sure to switch your account from personal to business.