Why is Running Ads From Instagram a Bad Idea?
Many who have run ads from Instagram have found that though they may be receiving a lot of likes, they are not gaining many more followers so instead, they are losing their money in the long run. Though likes may help, followers extend your reach helping your business or niche to reach more people.
One of the problems with using Instagram ads is you cannot edit your post. So if at times it looks too busy or insufficient to be appealing to potential followers, there is no way to change it. What’s out there is out there – effective or not.
If boosting followers is your goal, running your ads through Facebook Ads Manager is a lot more proficient. By running ads through Facebook Ads Manager, some have claimed to have 20 – 30 times better results than when they ran through Instagram. This also makes it much more cost-efficient for you.
How to Set Up Facebook Ads to Run on Insta
Facebook Ads Manager has several objectives you can focus on for your account. Below, I will go over the objectives that are available for Instagram and what they can do for you. Afterward, I will go over how to set up Facebook Ads to run on your Instagram.
The different objectives you can choose from on Facebook Ads Manager that are available on Instagram are:
Setting Up Facebook Ads Manager
To set up Facebook Ads Manager, do the following:
Step 1
Set up a Facebook Business Manager account.
Step 2
During setup, connect your new account to your pages and current login.
Step 3
Click on “Ads Manager” which is under the category “Create and Manage.”
Step 4
Choose an objective, then click continue
Step 5
Fill in all the details there may be according to the objective you chose.
Step 6
During the placements section, if you are only wanting the ad on Instagram, select “Manual Placements” and then “Instagram.” If you would like the ad to run over multiple platforms, select “Automatic Placements.”
Step 7
Click continue and fill in any additional details.
If your goal is to boost followers specifically, I recommend using the traffic objective. After choosing traffic as your objective, make sure you:
Step 1
Choose a traffic destination.
Step 2
Set up the audience you would like to receive the ad.
Step 3
Set up your placement to include Instagram. Choose Feed, Stories, Explore, or up to all three. Make sure if you choose more than one that your ad looks appropriate for each one.
Step 4
Choose the budget that works best for you.
Step 5
Create your ad.
Facebook Ad for Instagram Design Tips
Having a proper design for your ads is very important to capture the attention of your viewers. You don’t want them to keep scrolling by. There are a few things you want to keep in mind when making a Facebook ad for Instagram.
Use a site to help you in your design, especially if you are new at making ads. Canva is an excellent site to help you design your ads. They have lots of creative, beautiful options to help you create the perfect ad for your business or niche.