If you believe you have been blocked on Instagram, the only way you can know for sure is to do a little detective work and look into the other accounts. All you essentially need to do is try to access your friend’s account in the search bar. If you get an error message, they likely blocked you on Instagram.
This post will cover how to see who blocked you on Instagram and how to determine if the account actually blocked you or if they just deleted the Instagram app.
How to See if a Private Instagram Account Blocked You
As we scroll through our Instagram feeds, we will often wonder about a friend who has seemed to have stopped posting on the app. Often, we will search for that person’s profile to find out what we’ve missed or if something happened. If we can’t find those other Instagram accounts, we will be left asking, “Has my friend blocked me on Instagram?”
If you can’t find a private Instagram account when you are sure that one exists, you are likely blocked from it. Here are a couple of ways you can confirm:
Step 1
Visit the Instagram accounts of mutual friends to see if their private account has commented on any posts. You can also search that person’s likes to see if the blocked account has reacted.
Step 2
When you find their account name, click on it.
Step 3
If you can’t see the account or any of the content on their page, that profile has blocked you on Instagram.
Look on a Second Instagram Account
You can also see if you can find the account on a second account:
Step 1
Ask a mutual friend if they can look up the account on their Instagram profile.
Step 2
Log in with a second profile or create a new one to see if you can search for the Instagram account. You can also search on a browser where you are not signed in to the app to see if they show up in search results.
How to See if a Public Instagram Account Blocked You
Determining if a public Instagram account blocked you is easier than private accounts. All you will need to do is visit the account. If you can see their page, but you can’t see their image, the number of their followers, or any content where it should be posted, you have been blocked from their account.
People are typically blocked from public accounts due to activity that the profile page finds toxic or not in line with their audience. If you have left comments on their images that were less than kind or overly needy, they may have removed you from their follower count.
Public accounts will often block people who have sent them an onslaught of uninvited direct messages. If you have continually harassed a person, they may have gotten tired of the notifications and chose on blocking you to fix the issue.
Was the Instagram Account Deleted?
Just because you can’t find an account doesn’t mean that you have necessarily been blocked. The user may have deleted their account. You can determine this by logging in with another account to look for the user’s page. If you can’t find it on a new account, then the account was most likely deleted or deactivated.
If you can’t find someone’s Instagram handle regardless of what you try, they have probably stepped away from the app. You may need to try another way to reach out to them.